Reunion & Recruitment
Ride & Social
Oct. 26, 2024
Welcome, previous and interested Anchor House Ride for Runaways participants — Classic Riders and Support Team, Flex Riders and Flex Walkers/Runners!
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5th Annual
June-July 2024
Thank you for a successful year!
The Flex Ride begins June 8 and ends July 20. Ride where, when and the bike you want over the 6 weeks for a total of 500 miles (about 83 miles/week), for charity.
It's like going the distance between dozens of cities and Trenton, NJ.
You can tick off your miles on local roads, a bike path, exercise bike, etc.
Reporting your mileage progress is optional. You can record your mileage with a multitude of devices, transfer the data to the free Strava app and connect the app to your participant page.
New Participants are offered a tour of Anchor House and Anchorage and a briefing in how to use the fundraising tools.
“It’s such a great cause, and it’s local, so we can see the effect the Ride has on the House (and vice versa). The Ride really gets in your bloodstream. We’d thought last year would be it, but the itch hit us again, so we’re back!”
— Barb Keener & Ken Sharples
There is a fee to register and participation is a commitment to pay or raise the minimum amount. New Participants will have support with both fundraising and training. The same day as the tour of Anchor House, there is an introduction to fundraising. In a second meeting for new participants, there is an introduction to training for the Ride.
Start day for the Flex Ride is the same day as the last training ride for the Classic Ride riders. Flex Riders are welcome to join in.
Participation includes picnic, t-shirt, police escort for last 10 miles, and closing celebration with friends and family at the Quaker Bridge Mall in Lawrence, NJ.
"After completing my first 500-mile Flex Ride, I was super excited and proud of that accomplishment, and I received a shirt that showed I rode 500 miles!
I know that my challenge is nothing compared to the challenges the Anchor House kids face daily. I am happy to take on the challenge and do my part to help these kids."
— Lisa Pitcherello, 2024
Richard Pickup was the first to sign up for the 2024 Flex Ride. He will be riding in SoCal! Here's his story.
Q: What led you to choose to participate in the Flex Ride this year?
A: This will be my first ride since COVID and relocating to the west coast for work. Life and work got in way for a while, but now things have settled down enough for me to commit to the Ride again. Traveling back to VA to participate in the Classic Ride was not feasible, but the Flex Ride is a great alternative, even though I will miss SAG and the Yellow Truck.
Q: Where do you envision riding during the 6 weeks of the Flex Ride?
A: I will be riding locally here in Southern California. There are many great roads to ride with incredible scenery between Los Angeles and San Diego - and rain is not usually a concern.
Q: What advice or inspiration would you give to someone who is new to or intimidated by fundraising?
A: Use the resources made available on the website and in the information sessions. The work that Anchor House does is amazing and when you share it with potential donors they typically want to help. Don’t be afraid to ask people for their support… the worst they can say is no.
Q: What advice or inspiration would you give to a cyclist wavering about whether to sign up because they think it’s too big of an endurance challenge?
A: It is a challenge but is manageable if you are reasonably fit and have a good plan. For the Flex Ride, if you can manage a 20-30 mile ride you should be OK. Spread the distance out over the 6 weeks - don’t go out too hard and bite off more than you can chew or start too late and have to chase the miles. Find a schedule that works for you and stick to it - mornings, evenings and/or weekends.
Q: Tell us about a specific special memory you have from the Classic Ride.
A: So many great memories, mostly related to the terrific friendships that have resulted from participating in the Ride. Sarah Geser was the person who talked me into signing up for my first ride. Receiving my 10-year Ride participation certificate the same year that she received her 20-year (I think!) certificate was pretty special.
Q: Why did you choose to participate in the Ride for Runaways rather than or in addition to another charity ride?
A: Easy… because it’s all about the kids! When you talk to the Anchor House kids and see first-hand the life-changing positive impact that the programs have then it’s a no-brainer. |
If this is your first time participating, or if you are a veteran participant, you should know that your support is invaluable to the youth that Anchor House serves.
You are a part of a solution — a solution to help kids who are hurting and in need, a solution to help end homelessness for youth, a solution to stabilize families, and a solution to help our young people transition successfully into adulthood.
While you are riding, walking or running, know that you are doing it for these kids. You are letting them know that you care and that they matter. Together, we can all make a difference in their lives.
— Kim McNear, Executive Director, Anchor House
Anchor House provides youth and young adults who are experiencing abuse, neglect, homelessness, or are aging out of the child welfare system with comprehensive services that offer them and their families the support they need to succeed and thrive.
Anchor House Shelter
For ages 12-17. The shelter’s primary purpose is to meet the immediate needs of youth (as well as their families) who have runaway or are experiencing homelessness, abuse, or neglect in Trenton, New Jersey.
Anchorage Transitional Living Program
For ages 18-21. This program provides long-term transitional living services to young adults who are experiencing homelessness as well as aging out of the New Jersey child welfare system. This program operates a group home as well as a supported housing apartment program.
Anchor Line Apartment
For ages 18-21. This program provides subsidized housing, food, case management, and life skills education in order to give them the time and skills they need to successfully live on their own.
Connect to Home Apartments
For ages 18-21. This program provides Housing Choice Vouchers through the Department of Children and Families and the Department of Community Affairs.
Rapid Re-Housing
For ages 18-24. This program provides supportive services to youth who meet HUD eligibility requirement to live in their own apartment.