
Fundraising Tips

Sample Event

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As you get yourself ready for the Ride, an important part of that preparation is fundraising.

The Ride for Runaways is the major fundraising event for Anchor House. Essentially, the Ride’s success is critical to the future of Anchor House. So, every dollar helps. 

For each of the 5 ways to participate, there is a minimum fundraising amount.

How do I ask for donations?

  • Tell people what the Anchor House does and why it's important to you.
  • Tell friends, family and co-workers.
  • Pick up the phone, send an email or write a letter.
  • Post to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, YouTube or any other social media.
  • Share a link to your online fundraising page (see next section to learn how to set this up).

What do I do with offline donations (checks)?

How do I set up my online fundraising site?

It’s easy!
  • Register as an Individual. The first time you register, you will need to provide your email address and create a password.
  • Once your participant page is activated, you can log in and customize it:
    • Log in on anchorhouseride.org in the upper righthand corner
    • Create your page's address - While viewing the Dashboard tab, click "Create Custom URL" 
    • To copy your page's address (URL) - While Viewing the Dashboard tab, click "Share," put the cursor near the right side of link, “Copy Link” will appear. Click on that
    • Profile Image - While viewing the Dashboard tab, click on “Upload Photo”
    • Campaign Image - Click on the My Page tab, then scroll over the photo
    • Welcome Message - Click on the My Page tab, then click on "Welcome Message"
    • Create or Join a Team - While viewing the Dashboard tab, click "Create or Join a Team"

Now you are up and running! 

To get a QR code for your page - While viewing the Dashboard tab, click "Share," then click "QR Code."

To get the email or address of your supporters - While viewing the Dashboard tab, scroll to the bottom of the page.

Not sure what to say to supporters? Use the following sample message:

Dear Friends,

I have accepted the challenge to raise <insert fundraising goal here> for the Anchor House Foundation as part of this year’s Ride for Runaways fundraiser.

Anchor House's mission is to provide a safe haven where abused, runaway, and homeless youth and young adults, and their families, are empowered to succeed and thrive.

As my own personal journey, I will be <cycling 500 miles in 7 days, part of the Support Team travelling 500 miles in 7 days with the cyclists, cycling 500 miles in 6 weeks, running 100 miles in six weeks, walking 100 miles in 6 weeks> during the Ride for Runaways.

Every mile I go I will be reminded of the kids' journey and with every dollar raised, the kids will have a brighter future.

Please support me in raising money for Anchor House!

You can either write a check and send in this form or donate online using this link <insert the link from your fundraising page>. Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure.

Many thanks for your support—and please forward this to others who might want to donate, too!

<insert your name>

Matching Gifts Information

Donors can go here to see if their company will match.

Many companies will match employee gifts. Ask all of your donors to see if their employer offers a matching gift program. These can easily increase your donations. 

1) Ask donor through your initial letter or after receiving donation to check if their employer or partner's employer offers a matching gift plan.
2) The donor will need to complete an online or paper form to start the process.
3) The donor should include "Anchor House Foundation" as the recipient.
4) Forms must be complete—Anchor House Foundation, Inc., PO Box 2357, Trenton, NJ 08607
Contact person, Kathy Drulis (609) 278-9495kdrulis@anchorhousenj.org
Website is www.anchorhouseride.org
Tax ID is 22-2898173.
5) Completed forms should either be done online or sent to address above.
6) All donations must be paid before the matching gift process is completed.


Contact Interim Director, Kathy Drulis (kdrulis@anchorhousenj.org) or 609-278-9495