
Classic Ride FAQ

Sample Event

Join us on sample date

What is the average number of miles per day?

Riding 500 miles in 7 days means going about 70 miles/day. The cities are chosen for distance between, hotel availability and variety. There's a different route every year, although some cities/hotels have been repeated.

What minimum equipment/skills are required to participate (in any ride)?

  • helmet that meets either the US DOT helmet standards or the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) standard, securely fastened (a USA Cycling requirement)

  • paper cue sheet, know-how to read it

  • odometer, calibrated to your bike's wheel

  • blinking red back light, fully charged

  • spare tube and tools, know-how to change a tube

  • 36 fl oz / 1 l of water

  • no earbuds

We will invite participants to join our Ride with GPS account. Using their mobile app, you can get turn-by-turn voice navigation as you ride. You can also download the .fit or .tcx files of the route and import it them into your Garmin or other device.

May I use an e-bike?

Read the full e-bike policy here.

What does the Anchor House Foundation provide?

Motor coach for you and your suitcase, and bike transport from Trenton, NJ to the start point; luggage forwarding each day and hotel stay each night; hotel breakfasts; .fit and .tcx files, and cue sheets; snacks and water at SAG stops; roving (and sweep) vehicles for breakdowns; and a bike mechanic for repairs. Also, one night during the week there is a banquet dinner and the last day there is a picnic. Annual t-shirts are distributed at the picnic before a police-escorted group ride to the Quaker Bridge Mall.

Four people/hotel room is included but you can pay a one-time fee to upgrade (have fewer people in) your room. The upgrade fee is due before the All Participants meeting. Here are the fees to be 1 of __ person(s) in a room in 2024: 

1 $900
2 $350/person
3 $185/person
4 $0/person

Occasionally, a hotel will not offer breakfast. In that case, we will arrange catering and there may be an upcharge. Lunch and dinners are your responsibility.

Be sure to bring the appropriate amount of money (approximately $300).

The cost of repair parts is your responsibility as are any tips you wish to give the mechanic. There will be a charge for service if the mechanical check is not done prior to the ride.

Can I meet you at the start?

Yes, if you are closer to the start than the end, you can join us at the start. Because you won't be on the local Training Rides, please tell us if you have ridden with someone on the Ride or share with us your Strava history. After the Ride, won't be able to get you back to the start, but Amtrak trains stop in Trenton, NJ Transit trains stop in Hamilton, and Frontier Airlines flies out of Trenton-Mercer Airport (KTTN/TTN).

What hours do we ride?

Riders are welcome to leave any time after the yellow truck opens and if it's light out. Your luggage has to be at the yellow truck before 8:30 a.m. If you are not within 5 miles of the hotel at 4 p.m., you will be picked up by the sweep rover.

Are there bathrooms along the route?

There are often bathrooms at the SAG stops, but not always. Try to find a gas station, restaurant, church or convenience store. Consider purchasing something small as a courtesy and ask if they would like you to remove your bike shoes. If the route is on a rural road, use a secluded spot in the woods. We recommend carrying tissues in your bike pack!

What goes on in the evenings?

The main event in the evening is eating. People group up and go out to eat and it is easy to find a group to join, but you have to ask. Ask roommates or people you meet during the day if you can join them for dinner. There are awards at the yellow truck every evening; the time of the awards will be announced in advance or posted on the yellow truck.

Will I have to ride in a pack or alone?

We do not leave all at once, with the exception of the last 10 miles under police escort. Riders leave the hotels with their friends and/or riders of a similar pace, and there are riders at every pace. You will easily meet people, often on the training rides, and ride along with them. We strongly recommend that you ride with another person for your safety (and your sanity). Please reach out to admin if you wish to be paired up with another rider.

What if I can't complete the ride?

There are rovers who will be riding the route to make sure everyone is OK. If you need assistance, you can signal them with a thumb down and they will pick you up and take you to the next SAG stop or to the end of the day's route. The expectation is that you will ride all 500 miles rather than sections that you prefer.

What if I have problems with my bike?

A bike mechanic will be available at the start and end of each day. He will also travel the route and be available at the SAG stops. If your bike breaks down along the road, a rover will transport you and your bike to the next SAG stop and notify the mechanic. You are responsible for fixing minor problems yourself (such as a flat tire or dropped chain).

What if it rains during the ride?

It almost never rains, but if it does, you will be expected to ride and need to be prepared to ride. In the event of severe weather the Ride Committee will decide whether or not it is safe for riders to be on the road. Safety vests are mandatory on days of poor visibility and will be provided by Anchor House.

During the week, what will happen to my butt?

This is certainly an area to take seriously. Make sure you have a good bike seat, well-padded bike shorts, and have trained sufficiently. Part of your training is getting your butt ready. Some people find that using baby powder or diaper rash cream is helpful for irritation. As the week wears on this will not be a sensitive subject; people will speak openly about remedies.