
A story about Cory

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Cory Golis (From a Cousin's Perspective)  April 2005
Written by a cousin of Cory – Carleton Van Rensselaer
            Cory and his brother Jeremy were the first people ever born on this earth that I can remember, since you must realize that I was only 3 years old when my brother Tyler was born.  Over time and with numerous visits, there came growth and a very special bond among us.  Although we did not see the “Golis Gang” as much as we wanted to, each visit picked up were the last had ended, good times, laughter, car talk, bike talk, and overall good male bonding.
            Cory and Jeremy were remarkable in the way they could hang out with my brothers and me even though a decade separated us.  Cory had a demeanor, intellect, and sense of humor far more evolved than other kids his age.  I see myself as an always aspiring comic and am very critical of other people’s material; especially those younger than me.  Even with this in mind I could not help myself but to laugh with and at Cory.  He had an incredible zest for life and laughter.  Note: I don't like writing anything in the past tense, because he will always be such a big part of our lives.
The first time Cory met my wife, girlfriend at the time, he walked right up to her at 14 years of age and said "hi Nandell, my name is Cory"; without a moment’s hesitation or reluctance.  This ability to interact with others is greatly missed.
            His caring and compassion for others were evident in what he was doing for the Anchor House Ride for Runaways.  Most teenagers, including myself (back in the 80's & early 90's), are far too worried about our own needs and problems to consider raising all that money and riding half way across the eastern seaboard for someone else. 
            I know Cory is with each and everyone of those who do the Anchor Rides and that he is truly appreciative of your efforts.

Picture 1 is Cory and I in the late 80's (What a cute kid! Not me; that was in my awkward teenage years)
Picture 2 is Cory and I in 1998 in Farmville VA during the Anchor House Ride  (I really miss spending time with him!)